Barn Coordinator

General Function

The Barn Coordinator (Head Wrangler)  is responsible for the overall supervision, health and well-being of the horses and equipment, campers, participants and staff as they utilize the equestrian facilities.  This position is under the supervision of the Director of Camping Services.  This is a seasonal full-time position.

Know How

The Barn Coordinator position requires:

1.    Age minimum of 21 years of age.

2.    Desired riding instructor certification or other nationally recognized horsemanship certification, such as AAHS, ARIA, BHS, CHA, CCHI, DRA, HSA, PATH, USDA, USPC, or documented equivalent in teaching and riding experience.

3.    Ability to direct and move horses in and out of the barn and lift saddle and tack for horses – ability to lift at least 50 lbs.

4.    Extensive knowledge and experience in taking care of horses and equipment, teaching riding techniques, teaching how to prepare the horses for rides and communicating with campers, staff, veterinarians, the horse owner, and the general public.

5.    Demonstrated ability to supervise others.

6.    Demonstrated ability to work effectively with children and families.

7.    A driver’s license and good driving record.

8.    Must be available 24 hours a day to handle equine emergencies that may arise.

Principal Activities

The Barn Coordinator is responsible for:

1.    Overall management of the equestrian center and the day and overnight camp horse programs. 

2.    Development of camp horse programs and continually monitoring of these programs to ensure proper progression of activities and freshness of program ideas.

3.    Development of the Wrangler In Training program and the direct supervision of these staff when in the barn.

4.    Live by, role model and teach the four principles of the Sherman Lake YMCA Outdoor Center:  honesty, caring, respect and responsibility.

5.    Oversee the proper care of the horses and equipment, including scheduling staff to care for the horses on evenings and weekends.

6.    Teaching and overseeing wrangler staff in teaching riding techniques, safety procedures, assessment of riding abilities, matching horses to campers and supervision of trail rides.

7.    Monitoring the equestrian center and trails for possible risks and hazards and communicating these to the maintenance staff or Director of Camping so they may be fixed.

8.    Implement programs that showcase what riders have learned to their parents. This will consist of a mini horse show during Family Night for day campers, to a “Horse Show” for Beginner and Intermediate/Advanced programs for overnight camp.

9.    Maintaining the health and safety of campers, members and participants is the #1 priority of the Sherman Lake YMCA Outdoor Center at all times.

10. Maintaining the health and safety of the horses is an integral part of this position.   Being able to modify programs because of adverse conditions is an important aspect of this position.

11. Assist campers and participants as they increase their understanding of their natural environment.

12. Ensure that all applicable YMCA, ACA, local, state and federal regulations concerning the equestrian center are fulfilled.

13. Recognize campers and participants for their personal growth, exemplary behavior and skill attainment.

14. Provide feedback and support to Wranglers about their job performance on a continuous basis.  Supervise equestrian staff.

15. Guide and direct staff, campers and participants toward their potential by creating a loving and supportive environment.

16. Be flexible and assist in any and all areas of the Sherman Lake YMCA Outdoor Center as needed and directed. 

Effect on End Result

The effectiveness of the Barn Coordinator will be measured in part by: 

1.    The achievement of the goals and objectives of the Sherman Lake YMCA Outdoor Center.

2.    Campers have learned a new skill (achievement), made a new friend (relationships) and feel a sense of belonging.

3.    YMCA campers, members and participants having a happy, safe and rewarding experience.

4.    Each staff member and volunteer having a rewarding growth experience.

5.    Positive formal and informal performance reviews.