Leadership Development

Ready for the next step at Sherman Lake? LDP is the path!

Sherman Lake has a proud history of fostering outstanding leadership qualities through our LDP program. This powerful two-week program is notably different from our traditional overnight camp. LDP campers will experience team-building challenges, substantive discussions, and hands-on leadership opportunities to encourage them to be positive role models in and out of camp.

LDP campers live together in the Leadership Village, where they explore how to create and maintain a community rooted in Sherman Lake YMCA’s core values of honesty, caring, respect, and responsibility. Campers will take what they learn at camp and apply it on an off-site camping trip, where they will be responsible for most aspects of their days, including making their own meals. This year, LDP campers will camp near Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore for a hiking and kayaking adventure on the shore of Lake Superior!

Grades: Entering 10-12

Counselors in Training

You've arrived - the ultimate Sherman Lake YMCA adventure and training to become a counselor!

This is the culmination of all things Sherman Lake YMCA. While surrounded by other emerging leaders, Counselors in Training (CITs) will deepen connections with Sherman Lake friends, learn the art of being a role model who leads with honesty, caring, respect, and responsibility, and expand their perspective on leadership. During their two-week program, CITs will have a "behind the scenes" look at how camp operates. This will include experiential training on being a counselor at camp that will focus on child development, behavior management, counseling techniques, and best practices.

Our Counselor in Training program also includes an off-site trip to Petoskey State Park during the first week of their session for camping and hiking and a day of adventure at Boyne Mountain Resort, complete with ziplining, paintball, and mountain biking!

CITs will learn why Sherman Lake YMCA staffers are the best in the business as they shadow counselors who create positive, life-changing memories for their campers. This program is a bridge between being a camper and being a staff member at Sherman Lake YMCA. After successfully completing two weeks of the CIT program, campers will have an opportunity to apply for a junior counselor position at Sherman Lake for the rest of the summer. Junior counselors work alongside the Sherman Lake YMCA camp counselors and are paid for their time.

For campers who are not interested in becoming a staff member at Sherman Lake YMCA, we recommend registering for the LDP program instead.

Grades: Entering 12

Wilderness Trip

If you’ve ever been interested in backpacking, this is a great entry-level trip! A wilderness trip provides an unforgettable experience that provides campers with a connection to nature, leadership growth, and lasting friendships. Campers will spend four days backpacking and backcountry camping on the Manistee River. On this trip, campers will be carrying everything they need in their backpacks and the group will be hiking to new campsites every day. This style of camping has few amenities so campers will be learning about water treatment from natural sources, backcountry hygiene, and backcountry cooking. On trail, campers will learn applicable outdoor skills, how to apply leave no trace principles, and to hone leadership competencies.

Grades: Entering 8 - 10

Camp Scholarships

It is our belief that no child shall be turned away due to an inability to pay.  Each year, we raise funds to help parents send their kids to camp.  If the camp fees are just not possible for you right now, we urge you to apply for a camp scholarship.  Please feel free to call us at 269.731.3030 or click here for more information.

Questions? Click here to complete our Information Request form.
One of our Camp Directors will contact you.