The Shermanator Triathlon is a fundraising event hosted at the Sherman Lake YMCA Outdoor Center and is excellent for the beginner or competitive athlete. You will find it to be one of the most beautiful race venues in the region.

The Shermanator has raised funds annually for the Sherman Lake YMCA to benefit families in need in Kalamazoo and Calhoun Counties for the past 17 years. The Sherman Lake YMCA programs build strong kids, strong families, and strong communities through instilling values of honesty, caring, respect, and responsibility. It is only with the great support of people such as yourself, that each year, hundreds of individuals receive partial financial assistance to become members at the Sherman Lake YMCA.
Sprint Triathlon - 500 yard swim, 10 mile bike and 5k run
Sprint Triathlon Relay - 500 yard swim, 10 mile bike and 5k run
Super Sprint Triathlon (youth ages 10-18) - 200 yard swim, 6 mile bike and 2 mile run
Duathlon - 2.5k run, 10 mile bike and 5k run
Aquabike - 500 yard swim and 10 mile bike
Swim: 500 yards or 200 yards
The swim course is a modified diamond out and back, going counter clockwise. The start line is at the end of the dock in water about 7' deep. Athletes may remain in shallower water until their wave start. Wave starts will be posted at packet pick-up/registration on the day of the event. Aquabike athletes will start with their age group. Duathletes will start with the first wave.
Bike: 10 miles or 6 miles
There is a short paved trail from the transition area to the entrance of the Sherman Lake YMCA with the majority of the course on public roads (39th Street, G Avenue and 37th Street).
Run: 3.1 miles or 2 miles
The run includes a section of paved camp trails within the Sherman Lake YMCA Outdoor grounds and a loop on 38th Street.
While the Shermanator is not a sanctioned event, we do follow the USAT “age up” rule to be consistent with those events that do. You will be placed in an age group based on your age on December 31, 2022.
Awards will be given to:
Overall winners in each event
Overall Masters winners in the Shermanator Triathlon only
1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place in each age group in the Shermanator Triathlon and Super Sprint Triathlon
1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place for Aquabike, Relay and Duathlon (male and female; there are no age group winners for these events)
Triathlon age groups:
19 & Under, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+
Super Sprint age groups:
10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-18
Awards will be available at the awards ceremony following the race.